Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Casan is a Guitar Hero

Here's some pics and a video of Casandra rocking out on Guitar Hero 3.


edwardsfamily said...

Go Casandra! Love the post!

MM said...

Ha ha ha! I love how your left butt cheek dances a little more than your right one! You are so cute Casandra! Congrats on getting married and all that. It's been so long since I've seen ya...Nice to see you are doing well!

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

Rock out!!!!

Amy said...

hey girl,
was hoping you were going to make it down here!! hopefully soon!! I love that game! when you guys comin next???

Sarah said...

Hi Cassandra
It was so nice to hear from you! Congrats on getting look really happy!