Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Next 30 years

I've been wide awake now since about 5am, with some excitement for what today brings, but also dread for today. As I reflect on my last 29 years how wonderful they were, I was born into an amazing family, I have amazing sisters and an brother as well as brother in laws and a sister inlaws. I was privileged to know and be raised by a mother for 15 years. I enjoyed my time with her in those 15 years I learned tons of lessons that I apply all the time. I found myself and who I wanted to be, I discovered talents and non talents, Perhaps one thing I discovered and found to not only annoy me but I love about myself is my determination to not give up. I have found in many occasions (nails, even lashes and more) that practice can make perfect. I discovered a love for sports. Golf became much of my life and passion. I completed much schooling. I dated, thought I was in love on different occasions. Perhaps the best thing that happened to me was finding the love of my life, WOW how lucky am I!I continue to fall in love more and more everyday with him. I cant begin to describe my love for him. Through that I am privileged to live an amazing life I am blessed with one amazing daughter and another on the way. I truly live my dream and love it. I also compare much of those years to golf oh how there were so many times I swung and hoped for the best sometimes it panned out but much more times it did not. Now as I look to this next future I realize there can be no swinging and hoping for the best. I need my saviors help every step of this journey I am about to embark on. I need his help in raising my family. Two girls are going to be so hard, I'm sure I will discover grey hair in the next 30 years. I also may battle cancer, diabetes, or other illness in these next 30. During these hard times of trial and tribulation it may appear the only reason the ticker still sticking is for the release of "The Hobbit" although I know its for a greater cause. However I will also see my girls get married discover talents of there own. I will also discover more talents of my own. I will also get to a point where the kids are grown up and I retire with Brett and enjoy traveling and growing old together. See I have found happiness in what today brings. But its one step at a time and for now I am going to enjoy a sunrise, "the love of a good man, and one more day to be my little girls mom, I know I'm a lucky girl" and enjoy the simple things in life cause sometimes that's all we can do. Good bye all those wonderful years and hello to many more!


Jared and Tanya's Family said...

Happy Birthday Casandra

The Behunin Family Story said...

You have had an amazing 30 years and your next 30 will be even more wonderful. Happy Birthday

The Dell Family said...

That was Beautiful! I love you so much and so proud to say you are my sister! Cheers for more years ahead