Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Delicate Arch

My dad thought that Milly's head band was a sweat band and she was already for a big workout!
So this was the reason for the trip I have always wanted to see this arch. I may find the mountains and such beautiful but give me dry desert, red sand, rocks and that is Paradise to me. This Arch does not disapoint either it was breath taking. When we arrived at the Archs we first talked to the information people they informed us that this is the hardest hike in the whole park. My Dad then got worried about me doing it being pregnant and all (Brett I think knows me to well and although concerned knew I could still do it and nothing would stop me) I dont want people to think that it is at all dangerous its just a lot of up hill, I would never put my baby at risk. Anyway we began our hike and I set the pace. No one complained I was going to slow after all my Dad is in his 70ties and Brett was packing Milly so we actually were all on the same level. It was funny because Brett would usually be in the middle and Milly was always so concerned on where Grandpa was, so Brett would have to stop wait for my Dad so she could see him. She was a big fan of my Dad. It took us a while but we made it and like I said so worth it, I could have spent forever there I loved it. After we were done it took us all about 20 minutes to get back to the car, down hill is so much faster compared to the 2 hours to get there. The bottom picture is a family picture of us, I really wish the people taking the picture would have zoomed in a little. Seriously I'm not asking people to be photographers but can you at least take a picture the way you would want it taken?

1 comment:

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

This is my favorite hike too. Love it!!