Friday, July 3, 2009

Flowers and Chickens

So the picture you see is of some flowers we planted out first year in this house. I love these because they bloom right around our anniversary and 2 of the 3 years they have even been one of our wedding colors, (Orange) last year they were yellow still pretty yet I prefer orange. Well no worries those flowers are safe in the front yard. But we had some extra this year and Brett thought they would be nice in the back yard around the garden. After he planted them he came to show me, I just shook my head, I knew better, sure enough the next day all there were was standing green looking weeds the chicks and chickens had ate all the blossoms off. Oh well Thanks Brett for trying to make our bacykard look nice.

1 comment:

The Behunin Family Story said...

Those chickens! I love it. I have to give Brett credit for trying.