Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Birthday President Monson!!!

Today Brett and I had the chance to go to his parents Stake Conference, Where Elder Ballard and Elder Jensen spoke at. I'm so glad we decided to go, not just so we would get home a lot earlier from church (hate 1pm church) but because their talks were faboulous. Elder Jensen made a comment about it being Pres. Monsons birthday on the 19th, and it made me think of this video clip. I loved going it lifted my spirits and Im sure all in attendance. One more thing Elder Jensen spoke of was how differnt was people can feel the spirit. He told a story of a girl whose parents were taking the dissicusions, one day while the missionaries were there she walked in and said "I'm ready to be baptized". the missioniares confused said " well you dont know anything" she replied "I know enough, It wasnt so much in what you said, or what you prayed, it was in your song". She felt the spirit through song. I latter thought about how I feel the spirit.. I was watching Nascar with Brett and the announcers asked for a moment of silience, I thought to myself and theres nothing wrong with this in face it might be a stretch to even relate the two cause they are differnt things but I thought of this. Before the meeting began, everyone was talking quietly until Elder Ballard and Elder Jensen walked in than there was a all over hush in the tabernacle. No one had to be asked to be quite it just happened. It will continue to always happen no matter who will be in attendance. I believe becuase for that moment when an Apostle or Prophet enters a room all feel the spirit at least I know I did. I got so choked up over this, I love the respect we have and the love we have for these leaders of the church.

Anyway in this video Pres Monson answers the question of what he would like for his birthday present from members worldwide. I know I will be keeping my eyes and ears open to those who may be in need.


Adrian and Danell said...

I am glad that you had such a good experience. That is one of the advantages of living in UT is having some of the big wigs at different meetings!

The Dell Family said...

I love this video too. I have it on my blog. I am really glad that you had such a wonderful experience too. We need those moments often in our lives to keep us centered on the things that matter most in life.
thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading it and I could feel of you testimony burning.
I love you Casan