Monday, October 5, 2009

Trip to Kansas

Milo, Haystacks, and Wheat. I thought this was such a gorgeous picture. I loved being at the farm during fall and one of my favorite things in life is seeing fields of Milo, wheat, or even just haystacks.
Picture taken just North of the 80. One of the new things I learned from Arnold while I was down there was that Arnold bought the 80 when he was just 18 years old. He had to borrow some of the money from his Dad that he latter paid back, He said "It's just the right thing to do."He bought all 80 acres for $3,000 and recently was offered $80,000 for it.
Brett and my Dad target shooting in the pasture.


The Behunin Family Story said...

I love Kansas in the fall. I love wheat fields.

Jared and Tanya's Family said...

It does look really pretty. Sorry that the weather wasn't that great and Uncle Arnold wasn't feeling that good.