Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our little sleeper

So I think all along Milly has been a pretty good sleeper. After 3 or 4 weeks she has pretty much always woken up just once in the night around 3 or 4. After talking to several people, that is apparently pretty dang good. Well this week, Wednesday, Milly slept from 8:30 pm to 7:30 was heaven, especially since I had worked security at a concert that night. So we are proud of you Milly.

Sleeping story #2
I don't know what it is, but she is quite the escape artist, she can wiggle her way out of a blanket no matter how tightly wrapped she is, and when she can't get out, you can see the kind of effort she has still put in. Yes she is wearing pajamas and has wiggled her way out of them almost to her waist.

1 comment:

The Dell Family said...

She looks so cute sleeping there. That is funny at first I thought she didn't have pajamas on. That is so funny.