Sunday, August 9, 2009

This ones for Cal

Cal, can you guess what ride were on at Disneyland? While heading to Disneyland from San Diego I called my sister Danell (who was just recently at Disneyland) and asked her what rides we needed to go on, she listed a few and then mentioned the Buzz Lightyear ride, Cal overheard this and wanted so badly to come with us, he didnt understand why he couldn't and neither do we Danell it would have only taken 6 hours and he could have joined us, haha. We did like this ride though your arm gets kind of tired holding the gun though.

1 comment:

Adrian and Danell said...

Buzz Light Year! Cal guessed it! Now he keeps talking about it and wants to go to Disney Land again! Glad you liked it! (not quite sure about your arm hurting though!